graduation celebrate

Graduation Customised Cupcakes

graduation celebrate

"Your future doesn't lie ahead of you, waiting to happen. It lies deep inside of you, waiting to be discovered."

Cuppacakes would like to congratulate anyone and everyone out there who has graduated. Each one of you holds a powerful weapon called Knowledge, in which you can use to change the world.

graduation customised cupcakes

These customised cupcakes were ordered by an aunt for her nephew who recently graduated. Graduation caps and scrolls were handcrafted using Fondant. These Fondant Toppers topped Mocha flavoured cupcakes.

customised cupcakes for graduationgraduation cupcakes customised

We could tell that she was proud of the next steps he was taking. We are glad we have another satisfied customer. We wish you all well in your future endeavours!

To place an order of our customised cupcakes, visit

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